The Reliqum Caverna
The Reliqum Caverna is a system-neutral natural phenomenon that can occur anywhere within the vast and variant multiverse. It is often cited by scholars venerable and not as the cause for the ever anomalous free-range dungeons happened upon by adventurers in their vagrancy. ORIGIN The Reliqum Caverna often begins with a single person's wish: That their wealth, on the event of their untimely death, be protected and kept away from the unworthy. Often enough the wish is a mere pleasantry, as there are wills and second cousins and ancient uncles to take the wealth into their hands, if not their loved ones, but sometimes there comes a time when metaphysics must take matters into its own hands. Should someone die in the wilderness with their earthly wealth in a ditch somewhere, the Wish, acting as an arcane catalyst, will begin the construction of a safe-keep for the valuables. The process by which it assembles this keep will be detailed below. Once it reaches a sufficient size, the gro...